RCTKing on Bakisi Isles
Mod: Ratchet & Clank v0.28
Mod Author: NoShotz & dt192
emblem President Obama Rank: 24 EXP: 597 rank
Tool Of Destruction Player Medals
1 Kill(s)
incineration 1
May 1, 2024, 2:27:10 AM07m 32s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D Suicides Betrayals Score
Blue Team 150
emblem President Obama 4 5 8 0.5 0 0 51
emblem Scarecity 7 1 7 1.0 1 0 39
emblem Roswell 9 1 9 1.0 1 0 24
emblem Ceb 1 1 9 0.1 2 0 19
emblem OmenBreak 5 3 10 0.5 1 0 6
emblem infiniteRefugee 3 0 8 0.4 1 0 6
emblem killa_assasin32 3 1 2 1.5 0 0 4
Red Team 95
emblem Somnolus 6 2 7 0.9 1 0 42
emblem ADM Musa 6 3 6 1.0 1 0 22
emblem Null 9 1 7 1.3 1 1 16
emblem Asyrie 3 0 3 1.0 0 0 8
emblem Urban ODST 5 2 8 0.6 1 0 6
emblem ScruffyMcnutty 7 1 6 1.2 1 1 0
emblem Mays99 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
May 1, 2024, 2:27:10 AM07m 32s
Players Weapons Melee Grenades Vehicle Other Tool of Destruction
Blue Team
emblem President Obama 3 0 2 1 0 1 Kills(s)
emblem Scarecity 8 0 0 0 0 4 Kills(s)
emblem Roswell 3 0 0 1 6 4 Kills(s)
emblem Ceb 2 0 0 0 1 1 Kills(s)
emblem OmenBreak 6 0 0 0 0 4 Kills(s)
emblem infiniteRefugee 2 1 0 1 0 2 Kills(s)
emblem killa_assasin32 2 0 0 0 1 2 Kills(s)
Red Team
emblem Somnolus 5 1 0 0 1 5 Kills(s)
emblem ADM Musa 4 1 0 0 2 3 Kills(s)
emblem Null 7 1 1 0 3 4 Kills(s)
emblem Asyrie 2 1 0 0 0 2 Kills(s)
emblem Urban ODST 4 0 0 0 2 2 Kills(s)
emblem ScruffyMcnutty 7 0 0 2 0 7 Kills(s)
emblem Mays99 0 0 0 0 0
May 1, 2024, 2:27:10 AM07m 32s
Players Best Spree Avg Life Time Alive Medals Most Killed Most Killed By
Blue Team
emblem President Obama 1 00:50 06:44 1 Urban ODST x2 Urban ODST x2
emblem Scarecity 4 00:58 06:49 0 YourMomsHouse x2 Null x3
emblem Roswell 3 00:44 06:39 4 Somnolus x4 Null x3
emblem Ceb 1 00:44 06:39 0 Ceb x2 Null x3
emblem OmenBreak 4 00:39 06:34 3 Urban ODST x2 YourMomsHouse x3
emblem infiniteRefugee 2 00:50 06:44 2 Somnolus x2 YourMomsHouse x3
emblem killa_assasin32 2 00:58 01:56 0 izzy x1 OmenBreak x1
Red Team
emblem Somnolus 2 00:58 06:49 3 izzy x2 Roswell x4
emblem ADM Musa 3 01:09 06:54 4 President Obama x2 Roswell x2
emblem Null 4 00:58 06:49 5 Ceb x3 Ceb x2
emblem Asyrie 2 01:43 05:10 2 Ceb x1 Scarecity x2
emblem Urban ODST 2 00:50 06:44 1 OmenBreak x2 OmenBreak x2
emblem ScruffyMcnutty 5 01:09 06:54 3 OmenBreak x3 Scarecity x2
emblem Mays99 0 01:51 01:51 0