Player Match History
Date Server Name Variant Map Type Place
May 5, 2024, 4:46 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P NASCAR Speedhalla 1.1 1st
May 5, 2024, 4:38 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Castle Wars Viaduct 2nd
May 5, 2024, 4:26 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Hog Of The Hill Hog Arena 1st
May 5, 2024, 4:21 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Hog Of The Hill Hog Arena 1st
May 5, 2024, 4:13 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Hot Pursuit HP Beach Resort 2nd
May 5, 2024, 4:00 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Frogger Sandy Pond 2nd
May 5, 2024, 3:53 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Wacky Races Sundown Lake 1st
May 5, 2024, 3:46 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Splatter Monkey Splatter Monkey 12th
May 5, 2024, 3:38 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Frogger Frogger V2 5th
May 5, 2024, 3:20 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P HB Speed Halo HB Speedhalla 11th
May 5, 2024, 3:11 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Castle Wars Viaduct 2nd
May 5, 2024, 2:49 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Desertbus Desert Bus 1st
May 5, 2024, 2:39 AM Organic 0.6 Customs :P Fatkid Cerberus 14th
May 5, 2024, 2:29 AM [abyssquick] 🌌🔫 The Battlefront Pack Halo 24/7 #1 🌌🔫 Slayer Geonosis 9th
Apr 29, 2024, 11:24 PM Markster's Mixed Variety Mods Pack Server - #2 Swords Lockup 3rd
May 5, 2024, 4:46:26 AM06m 41s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Bacon 4 0 4 1.0 3 12 19
emblem Snail 5 0 7 0.7 1 0 6
emblem Liver_K 0 0 6 0.0 4 4 3
emblem SEV 1 0 9 0.1 2 0 3
emblem Eyedol9000 0 0 6 0.0 3 0 2
emblem Minelelol 1 0 3 0.3 0 1 2
emblem T Wi 0 0 13 0.0 7 0 2
emblem MtnD3wIt 0 0 7 0.0 2 1 1
emblem MicroCunts 0 0 4 0.0 2 1 1
emblem Lordawesome7 0 0 9 0.0 3 0 1
emblem turddestroyer 0 0 6 0.0 3 0 1
emblem Seals4Arms 0 1 11 0.0 2 0 1
emblem President Obama 0 0 4 0.0 2 1 0
emblem WonderWaffle 0 0 4 0.0 1 0 0
emblem Mustard Chef 0 0 4 0.0 2 0 0
emblem Misterchief 0 0 7 0.0 5 0 0
May 5, 2024, 4:38:46 AM11m 30s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
Red Team 3
emblem Minelelol 19 1 15 1.3 2 0 1
emblem Liver_K 18 0 14 1.3 0 1 1
emblem Snail 10 0 7 1.4 0 1 1
emblem MtnD3wIt 7 1 11 0.6 0 2 0
emblem Eyedol9000 17 1 21 0.8 1 0 0
emblem Mustard Chef 18 1 23 0.8 2 0 0
emblem SEV 30 0 20 1.5 1 0 0
emblem T Wi 12 0 18 0.7 0 0 0
Blue Team 2
emblem President Obama 11 0 12 0.9 0 0 1
emblem Misterchief 12 1 23 0.5 2 0 1
emblem MicroCunts 13 1 25 0.5 1 0 0
emblem WonderWaffle 30 0 26 1.2 0 0 0
emblem Bacon 17 0 19 0.9 4 0 0
emblem Lordawesome7 2 0 3 0.7 0 0 0
emblem turddestroyer 0 0 10 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Seals4Arms 15 0 23 0.7 1 0 0
May 5, 2024, 4:26:27 AM03m 54s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
Blue Team 150
emblem Minelelol 1 2 3 0.3 1 1 53
emblem Misterchief 3 0 2 1.5 0 0 35
emblem Seals4Arms 4 0 2 2.0 0 0 30
emblem WonderWaffle 2 2 3 0.7 0 0 17
emblem President Obama 13 0 2 6.5 0 0 13
emblem Eyedol9000 0 0 1 0.0 0 0 2
emblem Bacon 0 20 2 0.0 0 0 0
Red Team 16
emblem SourceXtremE 4 0 13 0.3 0 0 4
emblem Liver_K 2 2 6 0.3 0 0 3
emblem Snail 1 0 6 0.2 0 0 3
emblem T Wi 3 2 7 0.4 0 0 3
emblem SEV 0 0 3 0.0 0 0 1
emblem Mustard Chef 0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Stomp 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
May 5, 2024, 4:21:39 AM07m 06s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
Blue Team 136
emblem Bacon 33 2 8 4.1 0 0 36
emblem Minelelol 8 7 10 0.8 0 0 28
emblem T Wi 0 8 11 0.0 3 3 28
emblem Snail 5 36 8 0.6 0 0 26
emblem President Obama 5 5 9 0.6 0 0 18
emblem KhacquanK2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Red Team 113
emblem MtnD3wIt 0 2 8 0.0 0 0 30
emblem Misterchief 22 0 11 2.0 0 0 24
emblem Liver_K 8 3 9 0.9 0 0 19
emblem WonderWaffle 4 11 9 0.4 0 0 17
emblem CantWant 4 5 9 0.4 0 0 16
emblem Seals4Arms 0 11 10 0.0 0 0 7
emblem SourceXtremE 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
May 5, 2024, 4:13:47 AM12m 11s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Snail 5 1 5 1.0 2 0 11
emblem Bacon 4 2 5 0.8 1 0 8
emblem WonderWaffle 0 2 8 0.0 3 3 7
emblem Forgot 2 1 9 0.2 4 0 6
emblem CantWant 0 1 9 0.0 5 0 5
emblem Minelelol 0 0 6 0.0 4 0 3
emblem Liver_K 0 2 7 0.0 3 1 3
emblem T Wi 0 0 9 0.0 5 0 3
emblem Misterchief 0 1 6 0.0 2 0 3
emblem President Obama 0 1 7 0.0 3 0 0
May 5, 2024, 4:00:45 AM06m 01s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Liver_K 5 0 1 5.0 0 0 14
emblem Bacon 7 0 2 3.5 1 0 8
emblem MtnD3wIt 0 0 3 0.0 2 0 0
emblem CantWant 0 0 3 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Minelelol 0 0 3 0.0 1 1 0
emblem TwoCaribous 0 0 3 0.0 1 0 0
emblem President Obama 0 0 3 0.0 1 0 0
emblem WonderWaffle 0 0 3 0.0 1 0 0
emblem Snail 0 0 3 0.0 1 0 0
emblem T Wi 0 0 3 0.0 2 0 0
emblem Misterchief 0 0 3 0.0 2 0 0
May 5, 2024, 3:53:41 AM05m 53s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
Red Team 1
emblem Cameron 14 9 14 1.0 0 0 1
emblem CantWant 16 5 11 1.5 0 0 0
emblem President Obama 4 2 9 0.4 0 0 0
emblem WonderWaffle 18 11 5 3.6 0 0 0
emblem Bacon 20 7 14 1.4 0 0 0
emblem Snail 2 16 2 1.0 0 0 0
emblem Misterchief 7 5 5 1.4 0 0 0
Blue Team 0
emblem MtnD3wIt 7 10 9 0.8 0 0 0
emblem Minelelol 11 4 12 0.9 0 0 0
emblem TwoCaribous 10 7 17 0.6 0 0 0
emblem Liver_K 7 5 12 0.6 0 0 0
emblem Forgot 14 4 14 1.0 0 0 0
emblem Will_of_Kabr 9 0 17 0.5 1 0 0
emblem T Wi 1 1 1 1.0 0 0 0
May 5, 2024, 3:46:17 AM06m 51s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Snail 23 9 6 3.8 2 0 25
emblem Cameron 12 5 8 1.5 4 0 16
emblem TwoCaribous 9 5 16 0.6 5 0 14
emblem CantWant 9 1 12 0.8 3 0 12
emblem Liver_K 9 2 10 0.9 2 0 11
emblem Minelelol 0 1 12 0.0 8 0 8
emblem Will_of_Kabr 0 0 23 0.0 9 0 7
emblem Misterchief 5 1 9 0.6 2 0 7
emblem MtnD3wIt 0 1 15 0.0 8 0 5
emblem WonderWaffle 0 1 13 0.0 6 0 5
emblem Forgot 0 0 25 0.0 6 0 3
emblem Bacon 0 2 10 0.0 5 1 2
emblem President Obama 0 0 21 0.0 3 0 1
May 5, 2024, 3:38:20 AM03m 59s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Minelelol 1 0 1 1.0 0 0 10
emblem Cameron 1 0 1 1.0 0 0 10
emblem i3 10105F 3 0 2 1.5 0 0 3
emblem WonderWaffle 2 0 2 1.0 0 0 2
emblem MtnD3wIt 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
emblem CantWant 0 0 2 0.0 0 2 0
emblem TwoCaribous 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Liver_K 0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0
emblem President Obama 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Forgot 0 0 1 0.0 0 1 0
emblem Bacon 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Snail 0 0 2 0.0 1 1 0
emblem Will_of_Kabr 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Misterchief 0 0 1 0.0 0 1 0
May 5, 2024, 3:20:07 AM07m 35s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Sammy148 3 0 3 1.0 2 2 7
emblem TwoCaribous 2 0 6 0.3 2 1 5
emblem darkx 0 0 6 0.0 4 0 4
emblem Chrome 0 0 5 0.0 2 2 4
emblem Veracity 0 0 7 0.0 4 0 4
emblem Snail 1 0 2 0.5 1 0 3
emblem MtnD3wIt 1 0 2 0.5 0 1 2
emblem Backwards Man 0 0 6 0.0 2 0 2
emblem Will_of_Kabr 0 0 5 0.0 1 1 2
emblem WonderWaffle 0 0 3 0.0 2 0 1
emblem President Obama 0 0 7 0.0 0 0 0
emblem LuciferVanity 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Forgot 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Beagle 0 0 3 0.0 1 0 0
emblem AnassFilms117 0 0 3 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Jrg 0 0 3 0.0 1 1 0
May 5, 2024, 3:11:34 AM20m 08s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
Blue Team 2
emblem President Obama 23 1 20 1.1 0 0 1
emblem Tragic 23 1 22 1.0 2 0 1
emblem TwoCaribous 31 2 28 1.1 2 0 0
emblem Chrome 43 1 32 1.3 0 0 0
emblem WonderWaffle 35 2 34 1.0 5 0 0
emblem Snail 16 0 5 3.2 0 1 0
emblem Jrg 12 0 30 0.4 3 1 0
emblem Pickle 17 2 28 0.6 0 0 0
Red Team 0
emblem darkx 3 0 3 1.0 0 0 0
emblem Backwards Man 25 0 28 0.9 0 0 0
emblem Beagle 21 1 17 1.2 0 0 0
emblem Sammy148 34 2 36 0.9 0 0 0
emblem Veracity 24 1 22 1.1 1 1 0
emblem Will_of_Kabr 12 1 30 0.4 1 1 0
emblem Coward 29 3 35 0.8 2 0 0
emblem Bower 21 0 28 0.8 0 0 0
May 5, 2024, 2:49:36 AM08m 53s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
Red Team 0
emblem Liver_K 0 0 4 0.0 0 0 0
emblem President Obama 3 0 5 0.6 0 0 0
emblem Chrome 6 0 5 1.2 0 0 0
emblem Snaz 1 0 5 0.2 0 0 0
emblem Tragic 4 2 3 1.3 0 0 0
emblem Snail 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Veracity 0 0 3 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Bower 0 0 3 0.0 0 2 0
emblem Pickle 0 0 3 0.0 0 0 0
Blue Team 0
emblem TwoCaribous 2 2 1 2.0 0 0 0
emblem WonderWaffle 2 0 4 0.5 0 0 0
emblem Backwards Man 2 3 3 0.7 0 0 0
emblem Beagle 7 3 6 1.2 0 0 0
emblem Sammy148 5 0 2 2.5 0 0 0
emblem Will_of_Kabr 4 2 2 2.0 0 0 0
emblem Coward 5 1 0 5.0 0 0 0
May 5, 2024, 2:39:23 AM14m 51s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Snail 30 1 1 30.0 0 0 30
emblem Will_of_Kabr 11 0 13 0.8 4 0 11
emblem Sammy148 7 0 3 2.3 0 0 7
emblem BiscuitNick 5 0 10 0.5 1 0 5
emblem Coward 5 0 9 0.6 0 0 5
emblem Liver_K 4 0 4 1.0 2 0 4
emblem President Obama 4 0 8 0.5 4 0 4
emblem MrHovs 2 0 20 0.1 2 0 2
emblem Bower 2 1 9 0.2 2 0 2
emblem WonderWaffle 1 0 12 0.1 3 0 1
emblem Tragic 1 0 14 0.1 2 0 1
emblem TwoCaribous 0 0 7 0.0 4 0 0
emblem Veracity 0 0 14 0.0 3 0 0
emblem Beagle 0 0 2 0.0 1 0 -1
May 5, 2024, 2:29:40 AM10m 41s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem Tragic 25 0 7 3.6 1 0 25
emblem Alice 18 0 13 1.4 0 0 18
emblem Shockwave787 13 0 15 0.9 0 0 13
emblem Veracity 10 0 11 0.9 0 0 10
emblem WonderWaffle 8 0 9 0.9 0 0 8
emblem President Obama 6 0 9 0.7 0 0 6
emblem FLORIDA THUG305 6 0 12 0.5 0 0 6
emblem Rednek 2 0 6 0.3 0 0 2
emblem Jubilee 0 0 2 0.0 0 0 0
emblem Beagle 0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0
Apr 29, 2024, 11:24:40 PM03m 52s
Players Kills Assists Deaths K/D suicides Betrayals Score
emblem sevey 25 0 12 2.1 0 0 25
emblem Shade 23 0 12 1.9 0 0 23
emblem Beagle 21 0 10 2.1 0 0 21
emblem Mays99 18 0 11 1.6 0 0 18
emblem xXxGrEg69xXx 16 0 11 1.5 0 0 16
emblem CantWant 15 0 13 1.2 0 0 15
emblem Dragon_lord2020 11 0 16 0.7 0 0 11
emblem Pretzel 9 0 13 0.7 0 0 9
emblem 6ibby 8 0 11 0.7 0 0 8
emblem Joezu 8 0 13 0.6 0 0 8
emblem 2009XboxLiveKid 7 0 17 0.4 1 0 7
emblem Strange Person 7 0 15 0.5 0 0 7
emblem professer_deuce 6 0 7 0.9 0 0 6
emblem Nexus 4 0 17 0.2 0 0 4
emblem Pain 1 0 2 0.5 1 0 1